Aero L-39NG - an icon reborn
After successful sale of its redundant L-159 ALCA trainers to Iraq, Czech company AERO became more market-hungry. Since 2014, it has been working on somehow downgraded and more affordable version of its L-159. It should feature new engine, glass cockpit and full NATO compatibility. Moreover, AERO already sees crowds of customers waiting in line to get their hand on the new L-39NG, which was the name picked for venerable combat trainer. Is it really what they claim it to be, or is it just shot in the dark? This analysis doesn´t aim for comparison of new version of L-39 to current main players on this field, but rather questions its possible success on the market.
The L-39 family is the most produced jet trainer aircraft in the world. Total of 2898 airframes in 4 main versions were produced between 1971 and 1997. It has served and still serves in 30 airforces worldwide. In the 1980´s it was developed into L-39MS and in the 1990´s into L-59 and L-159. Those were basically completely new aircraft, sharing only name with its predecessor. However, as the Soviet Union collapsed, the main customer for the perspective aircraft disappeared. Moreover, all economies of the ex- Eastern bloc countries entered difficult times and lost financing for acquirement of new armament. Aero company struggled to offer its top product to various Western-oriented purchasers, with moderate success. We can mention sale of 40 pcs of westernized L-39ZA/ART with Elbit systems equipment to Thailand (delivered 1992-1996); US private company "Air USA" has acquired 5 airframes of L-39MS (still in service); Egypt has ordered 49 pcs of L-59E delivered between 1993-1994 (withdrawn from service) and Tunisia has acquired 12 airframes of L-59T between 1995 and 1996 (still in service).
Moreover, in order to boost production and renew good name of its aircraft abroad, Czech Air force has ordered itself 72 pcs of completely new and Westernized L-159 Alca. Those are the aircraft, of which 15 pcs were sold to Iraq. US company "Draken International" has acquired 21 airframes, while "Lewis Fighter Fleet LLC" has 3 airframes. Hungary was evaluating the L-159 for some time, but due to financial issues, didn´t purchase any machines. Since the large-scale export of its modernized products has failed, Aero has turned into producing various aircraft and helicopter components in license. This activity proved to be very successful and demanded, and after some years, it brought back Aero its willingness to continue on their "jet trainer" topic. This time, the management took different path and decided to make upgrades of proposed Aero L-39NG, on the basis of existing as well as newly produced airframes. The customer has two options: he can buy kit of new equipment with corresponding prolonging of airframe lifetime or just new western engines.
The installation of new, FADEC equipped Williams FJ-44-4M two-spool turbofan engine, with thrust of 16,89 kN is the key feature of L-39NG. This engine was designed from the beginning also for the military application, and has been used by Pilatus, Hawker, Cessna or SAAB. In order to fit inside L-39, it will use simple adapter, with small modifications to its air intake inlets. Compared to older Al-25T turbojet, it will have significantly lower fuel consumption and will be started from the on-board battery, instead of Sapheer 5 APU (auxiliary power unit), which will become redundant and its removal will save some weight. Modernization will also include installation of central filling of fuel tanks. Moreover, the tanks on each wing edge will be removed, while each wing will get integral fuel tank. Even with such modification, the fuel capacity will increase by 400 kg, to final 1450 kg. Each wing will also have 2 pylons for various rocket pods, unguided rockets, air-to air missiles or drop fuel tanks. The fifth pylon will be under the fuselage. This package of abovementioned equipment is basically the lowest option of retrofit kit, that will be available.
Second, more advanced option will include cockpit and fuselage updates. The main feature will be full glass cockpit, corresponding with most current standards and one-piece canopy, hinged to the right side. The change of ergonomics of the cockpit will be presented by HOTAS, raised back seat with new ejection seats featuring 0-0 characteristics and head-up display. The oxygen supply system will be changed to OBOGS, instead of current bottles with air.
Those are features, which will undoubtedly turn venerable L-39 into 21. century standard combat jet trainer and extend its service life. But in today´s world and market, there are other factors, which will decide in its favor or decline. This is not the first attempt to significantly upgrade existing L-39 platform. In the 2nd half of 2000´s, Ukraine has proposed new L-39M1 version, based on L-39C. It also features new engine - Al-25TLSh, with 1 850 kg of thrust, new flight data recorder, BTK-39 on-board training system and sighting and navigating system. While it was widely promoted in its time, it had no foreign customers, except domestic Ukrainian air force. Currently, Ukrainian L-39C is slowly being modified to this standard.
The main difference between those two projects is their aim for final customer. Eventhough both companies propose their aircraft for all existing L-39 users, it is obvious that Ukrainian modification is more oriented towards 3rd world countries, while Czech modification is oriented towards Western oriented countries. Moreover, Ukrainian proposal is on the basis of L-39C, which is less common in the developing countries, which opted for L-39ZO and L-39ZA instead. This is major advance for Czech L-39NG proposal. However, absence of Aero on those markets and lack of funds, have shifted interest of developing countries to turn to Russia and China instead, while some purchased 2nd hand equipment from Western suppliers. Political orientation plays major part in decision making, thus closing markets for Aero of countries, such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Syria, Uganda or Yemen. Other operators, such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam will be likely included in Russian policy of providing credit for acquiring Russian defense industry´s products, thus buying Yak-130 instead.
Since Aero can not rely on such support from Czech government, sales to Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chad, Congo, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nicaragua and Uganda are highly unlikely, not mentioning possible ban on export of some of L-39´s sensitive equipment. The market for new-generation L-39NG has thus stretched to Algeria, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine. The possibility to deliver new aircraft to Algeria, Libya and Ukraine is small, since Algeria is oriented in acquiring Russian equipment in long term; Libya is under UN arms embargo and Ukraine would like to employ its own defense industry (eventhough it´s becoming West-oriented). We have finished with potential 8 countries, that would possibly be interested in buying, upgrading and most importantly paying for such product. Moreover, the possible volume of sales to those countries is not significant, due to crisis in their economies. Bulgaria, Estonia and Lithuania are struggling to keep even their existing assets in airworthy condition; while Slovakia and Hungary have no plans to acquire new trainers in forthcoming future. Aero managers should know better, thus they started marketing campaign in Latin America, central Asia and Middle East. Indeed, those are the most perspective markets for L-39NG. This can, however prove too much for Aero, since existing agreements, interests and politics are currently in favor of Aero´s competitors.
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gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, cửa hàng nội thất
Text: Nội thất Tiến Khôi chuyên kinh doanh các mặt hàng gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, các loại mái ngói, thiết bị điện năng lượng Địa chỉ: 91 Đường Nguyễn Đệ, Phường An Hòa, Quận Ninh Kiều, TP Cần Thơ, SĐT: 0936565654, 0826565654, Website:
gạch ốp lát
(VernonSkArf, 5. 5. 2022 13:43)
gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, cửa hàng nội thất
Text: Nội thất Tiến Khôi chuyên kinh doanh các mặt hàng gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, các loại mái ngói, thiết bị điện năng lượng Địa chỉ: 91 Đường Nguyễn Đệ, Phường An Hòa, Quận Ninh Kiều, TP Cần Thơ, SĐT: 0936565654, 0826565654, Website:
gạch ốp lát
(VernonSkArf, 4. 5. 2022 16:36)
gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, cửa hàng nội thất
Text: Nội thất Tiến Khôi chuyên kinh doanh các mặt hàng gạch ốp lát, thiết bị vệ sinh, các loại mái ngói, thiết bị điện năng lượng Địa chỉ: 91 Đường Nguyễn Đệ, Phường An Hòa, Quận Ninh Kiều, TP Cần Thơ, SĐT: 0936565654, 0826565654, Website:
직통 전화 기술
(VernonSkArf, 4. 5. 2022 11:35)
정말 지긋지긋하게도 코로나가 계속해서 변이에 변이를 하고 그 사태가 길어짐에 따라 갈수록 경제도 악화되고 소상공인은 물론, 여러 직종에 종사하시는 분들 역시 그 피해가 점점 커지고 있습니다.
그로 인하여 여러가지 신용대출, 담보대출, 무담보대출, 무직자대출은 물론이고
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하지만 그러한 불법 대출도 있겠지만 요즘들어 새로이 자금을 마련할 수 있는 방법인 '폰테크'를 이용하시는 분들이 많아 지셨는데요 이 '폰테크'라는 것에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.
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폰테크 역시 어떤 업체를 이용하느냐에 따라서 그 결과가 달라집니다.
그래서 다른 여러 곳들을 비교해 보고 찾은 가장 핫한 업체인 '다이렉트 폰테크'라는 곳을 소개해
제일 중요한 '매입가'와 '안정성'의 조화가 잘 맞아 떨어지면서 가성비가 가장 좋은 업체이기 때문에
선택을 했습니다.
요즘 코로나로 인한 규제가 예전 보다는 많이 풀렸지만 그래도 아직 안심하기엔 상황이 좋지 않아
대면이나 방문하기를 꺼려하시는 분들을 위해 비대면을 통한 방식으로도 진행이 가능하며,
직접 매장에 방문하여 진행도 가능하고, 출장매입 또한 가능한 업체입니다.
무엇보다 제일 중요한건 다이렉트 폰테크는 당연히
정식 사업자등록 업체
사전승낙서 발급 업체
직접 매장을 운영하고 있는 업체
이 세가지를 모두 충족하는 업체 입니다.
만일 이 세가지가 모두 충족되지 않은 업체에서 진행을 할 경우 여러가지 불상사가 발생합니다.
더군다나 비대면 같은 경우에는 소중한 고객의 정보를 이용하여 추후 요금폭탄이나 추가개통으로 인해
사기를 입는 분들도 많고 심지어 개통 후 돈을 못받는 경우도 있으니 조심하셔야 합니다.
다이렉트 폰테크를 이용하시는 분들의 이점은
타 업체와 비교, 안정성 비례 가장 높은 매입가에 판매가 가능합니다.
365일 연중무휴 24시간 심지어 주말에도 문의가 가능 하다는 점입니다.
안전하고 빠른 조회와 진행을 통해 당일입금까지 가능합니다.
다년간의 노하우로 폰테크진행 사후에 문제가 생기지 않습니다.
전국 어디든 출장이 가능합니다.
이 밖에도 여러 장점들이 있지만 가장 중요한 것들만 체크를 했습니다.
다이렉트 폰테크 에서는 기타 사기방지를 위한 상담이나
본 업체를 이용하여 진행하지 않아도 친절하게 설명을 해 주시니 폰테크를
잘 모르시는 분들은 한번쯤 문의를 해보시는 것을 추천드립니다.
사실 여러 업체와 광고도 많아 어느 업체를 믿어야 할지 모르는 분들에겐
이것보다 더 좋은 것은 없을 것 같네요.
폰테크를 진행함에 있어서 주의해야 할 점도 물론 있습니다.
보장되지 않는 높기만한 매입가 경계하기
많은 분들이 높은 매입가만 보고 찾은 업체는 대부분 이런저런 명목으로 매입가에서 차감을 하는데요
보통 출장비를 받거나 출장비가 없다고 하고선 매입가에서 차감 후 지급하거나
수수료나 다른 명목들 역시 동일한 방식으로 결국은 매입가에서 차감을 하는 경우가 대부분이라
높은 매입가만 보고 진행을 하게되면 결국 피해가 발생할 수밖에 없습니다.
유심은 꼭 챙기기
폰테크 진행 이후에 유심칩은 어떠한 이유로든 본인이 반드시 챙겨야 합니다.
그렇지 않을 경우엔 소액결제로 인한 요금폭탄 소위 유심깡의 악용 우려가 있기 때문에
유심칩은 반드시 본인이 챙겨야 합니다.
매입금은 바로 받기
개통한 기기를 넘김과 동시에 그 자리에서 매입가를 입금받으셔야 합니다.
내일 입금이 된다거나 기타 이런저런 이유로 입금을 미루는건 99.9% 사기입니다.
처음보는 사람이 편의점에서 물건을 가져가면서 내일 돈을 주겠다고 하는 것과 마찬가지죠
절대로 기기를 넘김과 동시에 입금을 받으셔야 합니다.
그렇지 않은 경우엔 기기만 넘기고 돈은 입금받지 못하는 상황이 발생합니다.
기타 다른 주의사항들 역시 많지만 가장 중요한 점들만 말씀 드렸습니다.
나머지 자세한 사항은 다이렉트 폰테크에 문의하시면 쉽고 상세한 설명을 들으실 수 있습니다.
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(VernonSkArf, 5. 5. 2022 16:26)